I is for Inspired
Hooray! It's sunny AGAIN here in Northern California. I can't tell you the good impact it is having on my mindset. Thanks to those of you who commented on the last entry. It makes me feel a little better to know that we are more or less in the same boat (we all have guilt...just placed differently).
So I is for Inspired. I'm inspired by the great weather, I'm inspired by the prospect of spring flowers and being outside and barbeques. I'm also inspired by Squish and his recent and amazing leaps. He is talking so much more...and a lot of it is commenting (Yummy! Hooray! I sad!) -- sure, some of it comes from repeating what he has heard on his Bob the Builder tapes, but it is always in the right context, so I'm 'counting' it as meaningful communication.
He also LOVES preschool. Last night, we went for a walk through the neighborhood and passed the school. I asked Squish if he wanted to show Grandma his classroom (my Mom comes once a week now to visit...I'm telling you, things are looking up!) and he ran to her, grabbed her hand, and starting pulling her towards his room. When we got there he grabbed the locked door handle, looked and me and Grandma and said "Bye-bye." So yeah, I think he likes his class just a little bit! ;)
Squish, after some "regression" has started "percolating" again...lots of neat stuff starting to bubble up. Spring has sprung!
Wishing you all spring sunshine and flowers!
That's great to hear! Isn't it amazing how great we feel when our kids are making progress?
As far as the echolalia, check out MOM-NOS's post from the other day. It will definitely make you feel hopeful - momnos.blogspot.com.
Yes, echolalia came late to Charlie and was a step on the way to his own spontaneous speech. Sounds like it's springtime bustin' out all over for you, in Squish, in his speech!
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